A $9 Billion Global Market
The global food safety testing industry has become a sizable industry with over 600 million pathogen tests performed per year and generating revenues of over $9 billion annually.
The chart below that illustrates the global breakout of the Pathogen testing market:
Global Food Safety Testing Market: Total Market Value $9+ Billion
There is substantial global demand for an accurate and efficient pathogen-detection modality that can safeguard the food supply every step of the way, from raw material collection sites to processing and packaging facilities.
Testing Categories
The food safety testing market is divided into six market categories based on the testing target:
- Produce (Fresh & Processed Vegetables)
- Beef/Poultry
- Dairy
- Eggs
- Seafood/Fish
- Grains
The chart below shows the top customers in the US by market segment:
Market Segments: Top 5 US Customers
These are large and significant companies with expansive brands and market reach. They all need a faster way of testing for food-borne pathogens.
The Pathogen Testing Market
The global food safety pathogen testing market is dominated by three main companies:
- Qualikon (DuPont)
- 3M
- BioMerieux
The rest of the market is composed of numerous companies supplying culture media as well as DNA and antibody-based rapid assays. Other companies that play a more significant role outside of the U.S. include EMD Chemicals (Merck), BD Diagnostics, Neogen and Bio-Rad Laboratories. Most companies offer the tests as adjuncts to their more lucrative life sciences and pharmaceutical activities.